Fondazione Fitzcarraldo


Surveys of the use of urban and cultural spaces

VISITING THE CITY. Lo sguardo sulla cittą:trumenti innovativi per l'analisi dei comportamenti, delle percezioni, del gradimento e dell'impatto di chi fa esperienza della cittą.

Visiting the City is a research tool capable of revealing the overall behaviour of people visiting the city. It is particularly designed for local administrations, trade associations and tourism promotion authorities.

With the assistance of Fondazione CRT, during the experimentation phase Fondazione Fitzcarraldo created an interactive interface (which can be incorporated in ICT booths and mobile devices) using touch-screen technology. The interface is based on narrative metaphors that record behaviour in the use of the urban space and the way cultural and other attractions are "consumed".

Visiting the City makes it possible:

  • to reconstruct the use of free time and the system of preferences involved in use of recreational and cultural attractions in the city (museums, buildings, festivals, cultural events in general, shopping, and food and wine tourism);
  • to analyse the level of knowledge of tourists, excursionists and those who experience the city, and the way they perceive what it has to offer;
  • to assess their level of satisfaction with regard to services, activities, opportunities, and the general atmosphere of the city;
  • to provide information concerning the economic impact of tourism on the city.
The technological component

Fondazione Fitzcarraldo is able to provide customised interactive interfaces based on research requirements and the characteristics of the urban context in which the operations are being carried out. The interface can be contained in a number of devices, and especially in interactive booths and flybooks - miniature portable computers that enable the researcher to interview people in different parts of the city. The use of technologically advanced and highly interactive solutions simplifies the data-collection phase and makes it possible to obtain information that would not be possible to collect using traditional approaches (interviews, panels, focus groups).

Work stages
  • Preparatory meeting with the principal to define and agree on the objectives of the study
  • Drafting the storyboard and verification with the principal
  • Creation of the interactive interface and preparation of the technological support
  • Survey in the field carried out by a Fitzcarraldo researcher, who will coordinate and follow all stages of data collection (the presence of a researcher during the interactive interviews is of fundamental importance for the successful outcome of the survey)
  • Analysis and interpretation of the data
  • Final report
The research system

Fondazione Fitzcarraldo is able to carry out all stages of the research process, applying its experience and skill in social research and methodologies, selecting the most appropriate and innovative investigation tools, and making use of advanced technologies that are of real use in mapping out cognitive processes.

Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, via Aosta 8, 10152 Torino. Tel +39 011 5099317, fax +39 011 503361
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