Fondazione Fitzcarraldo



2011/2012 - Matera 2019. Candidate city European Capital of Culture

Fitzcarraldo is part of the technical team working at the candidature of the city of Matera to become European Capital of Culture in 2019. Fitzcarraldo is carrying out an international benchmarking for the application setting up.

2007/2012 - Regional observatories on the performing arts

Fitzcarraldo, together ECCOM and Fondazione ATER, has been commissioned by 19 Italian regional authorities to set up the guidelines of the observatories of the performing arts, aiming at monitoring the production and the consumption of the performing arts initiatives. Fitzcarraldo is working in setting up cultural observatories in the following Italian regions: Liguria, Lombardia, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto.

2007/2012 – Start up of the cultural observatory of the Provincia Autonoma di Trento

A multi-year work in partnership with the Provincia Autonoma di Trento in order to set up an observatory of cultural activities to serve as a planning tool for the industry and as a support for the decision making of the provincial authorities.
The process started with a survey on the professionals working on the cultural sector in Trentino, followed by a feasibility study for the creation and implementation of the Cultural Observatory of the Province and by an analysis of the training needs of the staff responsible for the observation activities and a tailored made training course. Finally Fondazione Fitzcarraldo helped some officers of the province in preparing the first two reports on the cultural activities of the province of Trento.

2009 - Cycle of theme-based workshops for promotion plans and local action groups in Piedmont

As part of the process of introducing museum standards, Regione Piemonte (the regional department of culture, tourism and sport, and that of public works, soil protection, mountain economy and forestry) has launched a programme to support promotion plans ("Piani di Valorizzazione") to assist in the construction of networks and to single out sustainable strategies and initiatives able to meet the needs of the territory. In 2009 Fitzcarraldo and the Cultural Observatory of Piedmont worked together to put on a series of theme-based workshops for the heads of the promotion plans and for the directors of local action groups (GAL) in Piedmont to improve the processes of integration and promotion. The workshops will provide an opportunity for on-site experimentation of the guidelines for integrated territorial planning carried out by the Osservatorio in 2008 and already used by the regional assessment unit (Nucleo di Valutazione Regionale).

2008/09 - Guidelines for eco-museums in Piedmont

Drafting of guidelines for economic account rendering and for the social reports of eco-museums in Piedmont, with a training course to assist with the application of these guidelines.

2005/09 - Museum standards of Regione Piemonte

Coordination of the various stages involved in the process of drafting, sharing, and applying the museum standards adopted by the regional authority of Piedmont: commissions of experts for formulating the standards, interaction with museum operators in Piedmont, publication and presentation of these standards, and an experimental application stage.
Fitzcarraldo also provided scientific consultancy services to some of the commissions involved in drafting the standards. During the experimental stage (2009), Fondazione Fitzcarraldo joined Fondazione Torino Musei and Associazione SiTI (Politecnico University of Turin and Compagnia San Paolo) to assist museums that will be implementing their own self-assessment procedures.

2005 - Officine della creatività

Support for the City of Turin project for the promotion of creativity in the younger generations and of the cultural and creative dimension as an instrument for the population and as a means to assume responsibility and build up professional skills. The project is designed facilitate the direct participation of young people in creating policies to promote creativity, offering them the spaces they need, and also involving and fostering the interests of the "adult" creative sector, including those public institutions that are responsible for implementing the policies.

2005 - Piemonte dal Vivo Liveday 2005

The Fondazione once again gave its support to Piemonte dal Vivo Liveday 2005 (20-22 May 2005), planning and directing the project promoted by Regione Piemonte with the support of Fondazione CRT. This initiative involved producing shows for 55 festivals in the regional Piemonte dal Vivo circuit at 35 cultural venues - museums and places of great scenic value throughout the region.

2004 - Piemonte dal Vivo Liveday 2004

The Fondazione assisted the development of Piemonte dal Vivo Liveday 2004 (29-30 May 2004), a project promoted by Regione Piemonte with the support of Fondazione CRT. Fondazione Fitzcarraldo was responsible for planning and direction. This initiative involved producing shows for 60 festivals in the regional Piemonte dal Vivo circuit at 30 cultural venues - museums and places of great scenic value throughout the region.

Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, via Aosta 8, 10152 Torino. Tel +39 011 5099317, fax +39 011 503361
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