Fondazione Fitzcarraldo


Evaluation Studies

2014 - Audience survey and impact analysis of Torino Jazz Festival 2014

2013 - Evaluation of the programme Nati per Leggere

2013 - Socio-economic impact analysis of the Turin International Book Fair / Osservatorio Culturale del Piemonte

2013 - Audience survey and impact analysis of Torino Jazz Festival 2013

2012 - Socio-economic impact on the fairs in the province of Cuneo

2012 - Evaluation of the impact of MITO Settembre Musica 2012 festival

2012 - Multidimensional analysis of the visitors to the Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre 2012

2012 - Evaluation of the socio-economic impact of Operaestate festival 2012

2012 - Evaluation of the project Leonia

2010 - Global Handbook for Measuring Cultural Participation

2010 - Evaluation of the Fondazione CRC's programmes of cultural development

2009/2010 - Survey on the socio economic impact of Paratissima

2009 - Evaluation of the "Cultural Exchange Department" of the Asia-Europe Foundation

2009 - Torino Book Fair

2006-2008 - Monitoring the multidisciplinary residencies in Piedmont / Cultural Observatory of Piedmont

2006-2007 - PIA Project - Progetti Integrati d'Area e Beni Culturali [Integrated area and cultural assets projects]: guidelines for planning and assessment / Cultural Observatory of Piedmont

2006 - Network Analysis & Evaluation: Toward a Methodology for a Comparative Study

2002-2006 - Monitoring museum-sector investments and projects in Piedmont / Osservatorio Culturale del Piemonte

2004 - Monitoring contributions to the Note e Sipari programme

2003 - Monitoring investments by Fondazione CRT in the cultural domain

2001 - Facilities offered by Italian state museums: supply and demand

2001 - Study of the state of the projects and of the prospects for museums in the metropolitan area of Turin

1999 - IETM - The effects of networking

1997-1998 - Study to assess cultural sponsorship activities for Telecom Italia

1995-1996 - Patronage and cultural sponsorship by Italian banks

1995 - The cultural policy in Valdagno

1994 - The cultural sponsorship in Lombardy / Regione Lombardia. Settore cultura e informazione. Servizio programmazione. Ufficio studi, analisi, rilevazioni;Milano : Regione Lombardia (Quaderno dell'Osservatorio; 12)

1994 - Festivals of cinema in Europe and the EU policy

Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, via Aosta 8, 10152 Torino. Tel +39 011 5099317, fax +39 011 503361
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