Fondazione Fitzcarraldo


Other Researches


Researches 2013

Annual report on the 2011-2012 Cultural activities in Piedmont / Osservatorio Culturale del Piemonte


Researches 2012

2010 annual report / Osservatorio Culturale del Piemonte

Cultural consumption 2011: a preview / Osservatorio Culturale del Piemonte


Researches 2011

Annual report on the 2010 cultural activities in Trentino

Enriching Regional Innovation Capabilities in the Service Economy (E.R.I.C.A.)


Researches 2010

2009 annual report / Osservatorio Culturale del Piemonte


Researches 2009

2008 annual report / Osservatorio Culturale del Piemonte - Turin: IRES, 2009


Researches 2008

Teknè – public-art tours in the province of Lecce

2007 annual report / Osservatorio Culturale del Piemonte - Turin: IRES, 2008

Census of the cultural heritage in Piedmont / Osservatorio Culturale del Piemonte


Researches 2007

Culture and professions: from a specific research to the observatory

2006 annual report / Osservatorio Culturale del Piemonte - Turin: IRES, 2007


Researches 2006

2005 annual report / Osservatorio Culturale del Piemonte - Turin: IRES, 2006

Street Arts in Europe

Mapping Cultural Diversity

The museum volunteer's Kit

Mobilizing innovation: Dynamics, Causes and Consequences in European Arts and Culture (2005-2006)

Festivals in Focus: a systematic European research project on contemporary festivals in Europe (2005-2008)


Researches 2005

Fact-finding survey on the market of documentary film in Italy / Osservatorio Culturale del Piemonte

Seven years of the Osservatorio Culturale del Piemonte / Osservatorio culturale del Piemonte

2004 annual report / Osservatorio Culturale del Piemonte - Turin: IRES, 2005


Researches 2004

From Stage to Web: new technologies applied to the performing arts

Survey of voluntary cultural association work in the province of Turin / Osservatorio culturale del Piemonte

A theatre for the young or a young theatre? / Osservatorio culturale del Piemonte

2003 annual report / Osservatorio Culturale del Piemonte - Turin: IRES, 2004 – Women's entrepreneurship in the performing arts: paving the way for a system of excellence

Festivals: Challenges of Growth, Distinction, Support Base and Internationalization


Researches 2003

Foreign citizens and cultural consumption in the province of Turin / Osservatorio culturale del Piemonte

Census of museums and the cultural heritage in Piedmont / Osservatorio Culturale del Piemonte

2002 Annual report / Osservatorio Culturale del Piemonte - Torino: IRES, 2003

Cultural resources and policies in the province of Cuneo. Accomplishments and perspectives / Osservatorio culturale del Piemonte


Researches 2002

Valle di Susa, Valli Chisone e Germanasca, Valli di Lanzo: culture, territory, local development. Initial observations for debate / Osservatorio culturale del Piemonte

2001 Annual report / Osservatorio Culturale del Piemonte - Torino: IRES, 2002


Researches 2001

Facilities offered by Italian state museums: supply and demand

Creative Europe

2000 Annual report / Osservatorio Culturale del Piemonte - Torino: IRES, 2001


Researches 2000

1999 Annual report / Osservatorio Culturale del Piemonte - Torino : IRES, 2000

Artistic-cultural organisations and new technologies. Part one : Live shows


Researches 1999

1998 Annual report / Osservatorio Culturale del Piemonte - Torino : IRES, 1999

MIMEH - Models of Innovative Management in European Heritage


Researches 1998

Tra centralismo incompiuto e istanze federaliste: il difficile cammino delle politiche culturali italiane / Luca Dal Pozzolo

Programma delle attività dell'Osservatorio Culturale del Piemonte / IRES


Researches 1997

La sponsorizzazione culturale : il caso del Piemonte negli anni novanta / IRES Istituto ricerche economico-sociali del Piemonte [a cura di Luciana Conforti e Ugo Bacchella] - Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier, 1997

Musei e contenitori : sedi e aree torinesi a possibile vocazione museale : un repertorio per aiutare la selezione

Musei e beni culturali a Torino : problemi di settore, problemi di sistema: tra gestione e valorizzazione delle risorse

GaME1 : le lotterie nazionali e il loro impatto sull'impiego : Euclid [in collaboration with Kultur- und Wirtschafts-Consulting]


Researches 1996

Identità, cultura e sviluppo locale: Nizza-Millefonti e Lingotto : Rapporto di ricerca : gennaio-giugno 1996


Researches 1995

Transparency for recognition : articulating and negotiating qualifications in design in Ireland, Italy and the United Kingdom / Euclid; [in collaboration with Industry Lead Body for Design London, National College of Art and Design Dublin]

Attività e servizi delle associazioni per la promozione delle sponsorizzazioni culturali in Europa / Regione Lombardia. Settore trasparenza e cultura. Servizio programmazione. Osservatorio culturale

Produrre cultura, produrre comunicazione : impatto economico di un settore composito nell'area metropolitana torinese. In collaboration with Associazione per Tecnocity


Researches 1993

The establishment of a European network of organisations and initiatives concerned with training in the popular performing arts / The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts in association with ROSA, Aruhus, Centre d'Information du Rock, Paris

L'Economia e l'occupazione nelle arti, nella cultura, nello spettacolo. Il caso di Asti



Researches 1992

Sponsorship policies

Dietro il sipario : libro bianco sulla gestione degli Enti Lirici e Sinfonici 1987-1990


Researches 1990

The Performing Arts and cultural consumption


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