Fondazione Fitzcarraldo


Surveys of the use of urban and cultural spaces

2011 - Survey on the visitors to the events of Contemporary Art Torino Piemonte

A survey on the public of the major events in Turin included in the programme of Contemporary Art: Artissima, Paratissima and The Others. The analysis focuses also on the  initiatives about design, such as Operae, MeetDesign and ParaDesign. The objective of the research is to provide a descriptive picture of the visitors profiles  interested in the events, the way they  make of use of the cultural offer and the budget they spend. The survey is carried out on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce of Turin.

2009 - Destination Turin / Cultural Observatory of Piedmont

Analysis of the way the city of Turin is viewed by tourists, using an interactive interface based on narrative metaphors capable of recording the way the urban area is used and the "consumption" of its cultural and other attractions. In partnership with the Regional Tourist Observatory.
Report (in Italian)
Summary (in Italian)

2006 - Visiting the City. The cultural offer system of Torino under the "eyes of the tourist"

A survey using technology in an experimental and innovative way to analyze what level of knowledge and perception the tourists have of the cultural offer of Torino. The research aims furthermore at understanding the ways tourists "make use" of the city and of its cultural and entertainment attractions (museums, monuments, festival, cultural activities, food and wine, shopping...). An interactive interface with narrative metaphors and provided wit a touch screen technology has been developed for this purpose. The interface can be used either in stalls or in mobile devices.
Different profiles of visitors and information on the degree of satisfaction for the varied offer and on the related cultural impacts will be the results of the survey. The survey is funded by Fondazione CRT.


Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, via Aosta 8, 10152 Torino. Tel +39 011 5099317, fax +39 011 503361
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