Fondazione Fitzcarraldo



The Fitzcarraldo Foundation is responsible for the institutional research activities of the Cultural Observatory of Piedmont (OCP). The arts and the cultural heritage, museums and the creative industries are closely monitored in order to provide a month-by-month analysis of the main variables and short-term trends. Furthermore, an annual review is published giving a regional overview of cultural activities and their impact. Attention is focused in particular on a geographical approach and the search for interdisciplinary links with other sectors forming part of regional programmes and studies ranging from local cultural policies to tourism. The aim to localise research in the cultural sector and to evaluate the impact of cultural policies to particular areas forms a precise line of research which is enhanced by comparison with Italian and foreign Observatories and researchers.

Other areas of research

Employment, jobs and enterprise in the arts, culture and performing arts: the Foundation is committed to promoting a review of the analytical tools used to evaluate employment in the cultural sector. The difficulties of using conventional statistical methods in the cultural sector points to the need for an in-depth analysis of the ways in which operators "experience" the cultural environment. The enormous variety of their positions, functions and jobs can often not be satisfactorily described by, nor do they fit into the traditional categories of working relations.

Business models, management models, innovation: The MIMEH study has completed a preliminary survey of the new cultural business models that have been experimentally applied in the field of the cultural heritage and museums. Further research on these topics is crucial for the entire sector, in particular to foster the spread of information regarding innovative experiences and the results of "work in progress".

The effects of networking: The research project carried out with IETM is ample proof of the extraordinary interest in international networking as an instrument for the promotion, development and diffusion of cultural activities. The analysis of organisational models based on networking is a fertile area of research to be examined in comparison with other case studies and networks.

Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, via Aosta 8, 10152 Torino. Tel +39 011 5099317, fax +39 011 503361
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