Research and Consulting

Transnational Cultural Cooperation








EIT Culture & Creativity is an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) bringing together 50 partners from 20 countries. EIT Culture & Creativity is the ninth Innovation Community by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). It is designed to strengthen and transform Europe's Cultural and Creative Sectors and In- Industries (CCSI) by increasing its innovation capacity and competitiveness.

EIT Culture & Creativity will unlock latent value from a multitude of small CCSI sta- keyholders through technology transfer, improved cross-sectoral collaboration, and their effective integration in production value networks. It takes a holistic approach to innovation:

  • Technology & Business Innovation
  • Artistic Innovation
  • Social Innovation

It will also harness the unique position of the CCSI to facilitate the Triple Transitions in Europe: Green, Digital, and Social.

The EIT Culture & Creativity has been designated in June 2022, is set up in 2023, and will be fully operational in January 2024. We aim for the following outputs by 2037 to deliver systemic impact (blue circles):

  • 35000 graduates
  • 25% CCis Workforce trained
  • Innovations in 3000 small communities
  • 500 SDG projects
  • 1100 startups 80M invested
  • 20% territories with social innovation
  • 10.000 innovations to the global market created in Europe

EIT Culture & Creativity will run 10 Action Programmes serving 5 Strategic Objectives:

  • SO1 Education. Make students and professionals future-proof.
  • SO2 Innovation. Create cross-domain opportunities.
  • SO3 Creation. Build strong ventures for impact and growth.
  • SO4 Society. Regenerate values and social cohesion.
  • SO5 Systems. Drive transformative change.


Fitzcarraldo Foundation is one of the 50 leaders who won the important challenge of joining and helping to design the processes of the ninth Innovation Community promoted by EIT and dedicated to the Cultural and Creative Sector.
It is also part of the SUGA consortium - Start-Up Grant Agreement - 29 organizations that Fraunhofer Gesellschafte coordinates and which, through funding from the Horizon program of 6 million euros, will take care of the start-up phase of the structures and processes of EIT Culture & Creativity until 2024.
The Fitzcarraldo Foundation actively participates in the drafting of the business plans linked to EDUCATION, about the skills to be promoted for the professionals of the future, and to SOCIETY which aims to strengthen the European values of social cohesion. Also within the Society pillar, in collaboration with Trans Europe Halles, we work on a portion of the mapping of the European cultural ecosystem: the one dedicated to community-based projects that promote cultural participation.
Furthermore, Fitzcarraldo is part of the Co-Location Center Sud: the CLCs are operational physical hubs that bring together groups of people, regional and local clusters of excellence, promoting links and collaboration between the various players. They are reference point for subjects and teams from all over the knowledge triangle (Education, Research and Innovation) who will work together on the conception of projects and initiatives.

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