Research and Consulting

Transnational Cultural Cooperation



CONNECT - Knowledge Alliance for audience development



Fondazione Fitzcarraldo has been a partner of CONNECT, a Knowledge Alliance for Audience Development developed within the framework of Erasmus+ that promotes innovative cooperation between universities, institutions and enterprises in the cultural sector across Europe.

CONNECT aims at developing an innovative multidisciplinary training module mixing informal and formal learning methodologies and digital resources to introduce audience development theory, practice and philosophy. The training module is called Twin Track programme and aims to be adaptable to university and non-university contexts, through a methodology that includes action learning and mentoring for the development of hard and soft skills for both students and cultural professionals.

Fondazione Fitzcarraldo has been in charge of the preliminary research phase and of the final evaluation of the training programme examining the Twin Track programme, the mentoring scheme and the Action Research processes. The Evaluation report is available here:

Moreover, for the Italian territorial hub, Fondazione Fitzcarraldo together with Melting Pro, have developed a high-level training course on audience development that involved postgraduate students and Italian cultural organizations.

The project designed and coordinated two Summer Schools, two forums on audience development and a European platform and repository of digital resources that draw on academic sources and practical work.

The partners:
Universidad de la Iglesia de Deusto (Spain) - lead partner of the project, The Audience Agency (UK), Goldsmiths' College (UK), Center for Kunst & Interkultur (Denmark), Miasto Stołeczne Warszawa (Poland), Fondazione Fitzcarraldo (Italy), Melting Pro Learning (Italy), European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centres (Belgium), Uniwersytet Im. Adama Mickiewicza W Poznaniu (Poland).

Project website




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