Fondazione Fitzcarraldo


Surveys of the potential public and non-public

2009 - Potential visitor-categories at GNAM

Fitzcarraldo carried out a survey of the potential types of visitor to the GNAM National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome.

2008/2009 - New citizens, new users: requirements, actions and policies for access to culture

Research designed to draw up new strategies for increasing museum visitor numbers. The project starts out by identifying those factors that prevent use in order to analyse them and draw up guidelines and plans that might help overcome them. The study includes an analysis stage accompanied by interviews and work groups with experts and professionals.
The research was carried out with the contribution of Fondazione CRT.

2006 - I don't go to museums! Non visitors: Teenagers at a glance

Kids don't go to museums. This mundane observation led to the idea of looking into the reasons, attitudes and perceptions of young people with regard to the most traditional venue for the consumption of culture: museums. Promoted by Provincia di Modena and carried out by Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, the survey adopted a focus-group technique. It involved five higher-education institutes in Modena, with about 90 young people between the ages of 14 and 19.

2006 - Migrants and cultural assets

Promoted by the Centro Studi Africani of Turin on the initiative of Regione Piemonte in collaboration with CIE, Holden Art, and Mondo Minore
Fondazione Fitzcarraldo assisted in the creation of a research project designed to map out the different social groups in Piedmont, studying the way the cultural heritage is perceived and how it is used by foreign citizens, as well as experimenting new methods of inclusion involving cultural resources and museums.

Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, via Aosta 8, 10152 Torino. Tel +39 011 5099317, fax +39 011 503361
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