Fondazione Fitzcarraldo


Surveys of the public in museums, and at exhibitions and cultural venues

2012 - Survey on the visitors to the events of Contemporary Art Torino Piemonte

2012 - Observation survey and guidelines for the communication of the Gallerie dell'Accademia

2012 - The visitors of the museum Palazzo dei Consoli in Gubbio

2011 - Survey on the vistors to the exhibition Esperienza Italia

2011 - Survey on the visitors to Museo Ferrari di Maranello

2011 - The Knowledge of museum visitors: state of the art and strategic perspectives

2010 - Observation survey in Ca' Rezzonico

2008/2010 - MusLi. Musem Literacy

2010 - Observation survey in GNAM National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome

2009 - Observation survey at the Zoological Museum of Rome

2009 - Survey of visitors to the Ferrari Gallery in Maranello

2009 - Observation study at the Capitoline Museums

2009 - Categories of museum visitors: a fact-finding programme

2007/2008 - Survey of visitors to museums in Piedmont

2007 - Visitors to the Ferrari Gallery in Maranello

2006 - Analysis and survey of the public at museums in Modena

2006 - Survey of the public at the "Corti e Città. Arte del Quattrocento nella Alpi Occidentali" exhibition

2005-2006 - Miranda: il Museo si fa osservare [Miranda: Museums under Observation]

2004 - Observation study at the Museo Nazionale del Cinema in Turin

2003 - Observation study on the Museum of the Resistance Movement, Deportation, War, Human Rights and Civil Liberties / Osservatorio culturale del Piemonte

2003 - Survey of the public in museums in Lombardy

2002 - Visitors to museums and exhibitions in Piedmont in 2001 / Osservatorio Culturale del Piemonte

2002 - Free admission cards to museums in Turin and Piedmont: Museum season tickets and museum cards for Turin and Piedmont 2001

2001 - Visitor profile and exhibition marketing in Turin

Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, via Aosta 8, 10152 Torino. Tel +39 011 5099317, fax +39 011 503361
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