Fondazione Fitzcarraldo


Supporting actions

2005 - Creative workshops

Supporting actions for the project of the City of Turin aiming at promoting young people's creativity interpreted as a tool for active citizenship, empowerment and creation of professional skills. The project wants to provide and to support spaces for young people's active participation in setting policies for young creativity as well as involving and promoting interest in the "grown up" creative field, including public institutions whose task is to implement such policies.

2005 - Piemonte dal Vivo Liveday 2005

Once again the Foundation supports the development of the Piemonte dal Vivo Liveday 2005 edition (20th -22nd May 2005). It is a project of Regione Piemonte co-funded by Fondazione CRT. Fondazione Fitzcarraldo helps in planning and coordinating the process. The initiative is three day kermesse where 55 performing arts festivals of the regional circuit Piemonte dal Vivo performs in 35 cultural sites among museums, castles, squares and places of particular suggestion in the Piedmontese territory

2004 - Piemonte dal Vivo Liveday 2004

Fondazione Fitzcarraldo helped the development of Piemonte dal Vivo Liveday 2004 (29th-30th May 2004), a project of Regione Piemonte co-funded by Fondazione CRT. Fondazione Fitzcarraldo helps in planning and coordinating the process. The initiative is three day kermesse where 60 performing arts festivals of the regional circuit Piemonte dal Vivo performs in 30 cultural sites among museums, castles, squares and places of particular suggestion in the Piedmontese territory.

Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, via Aosta 8, 10152 Torino. Tel +39 011 5099317, fax +39 011 503361
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