Fondazione Fitzcarraldo




Study visit
Tour Salzburg + Munich + Berlin, 23rd - 28th April 2012
Tour Berlin, 26th - 28th April 2012



A unique opportunity to discover the cultural life of three cities, an insight of organizations and their players.
Fitzcarraldo proposes a voyage to meet international realities and high profile professionals, to find innovative management and sustainability models for cultural organizations, to understand development strategies, to analyze processes of identity building and to get solutions for innovation.

Among the issues to tackle and discuss:

  • Innovative experiences of spaces and forms of artistic creation and of cultural productions
  • Identity building in times of crisis
  • Models and tools for sustainability
  • Transnational cooperation projects
  • Cultural operator's ethics and responsibility
  • Programming, management and financing of cultural centers
The first city: Salzburg (23rd-24th April 2012)

In Salzburg the following visits and meetings will be organized:

  • Salzburg Festival (International music and opera festival)
  • Fotohof gallery (exhibition, training and documentation center focused on photography)
  • Szene Salzburg (contemporary theater and dance festival and music center)
  • Argekultur (independent and multidisciplinary cultural center, residency for artists, concert hall, web radio)
The second city: Munich (24th-25th April 2012)

In Munich Fitzcarraldo plans to visit and meet:

  • Muffathalle (independent center, with an international level performing arts program)
  • Department of culture, City of Munich
  • Special guest: Airan Berg, Linz09, European Capital of Culture 2009
The third city: Berlin (26th-28th April 2012)

Among the possible visits and meetings in Berlin:

  • British Council in Berlin
  • Radialsystem (independent center of performing arts programming and production)
  • Ufafabrik (cultural and environmental promotion, programming and artistic residency)
  • Maecenata Institute (center for international studies on foundations and civil society)
  • Ballhaus Naunynstrasse (theatre space for experimentations addressed to the second generations of immigrants in Germany)
  • Supermarkt (cultural center of digital culture, alternative economies and social innovation)
  • Further meetings with artists and local professionals

Please note that the mentioned meetings can vary in accordance with the directors' availability.


It is possible to reserve the full tour in Salzburg, Munich and Berlin (23rd-28th April 2012) or only the tour in Berlin (26th-28th Berlin 2012). For both tours you can buy the related logistic services of transfer and accommodation. Here below you can find all the options and their costs. Before registering please read carefully the detailed information. The mentioned costs are reserved to students, independent cultural operators and organizations.

Option 1: Tour Salzburg, Munich, Berlin (23rd/28th April 2012) = 390 € + VAT

Option 2: Tour Salzburg, Munich, Berlin inlcluding internal tranfers and accommodation (23rd/28th April 2012) = 750 € + VAT

Option 3: Tour Berlin (26th/28th April 2012) = 250 € + VAT

Option 4: Tour Berlin (26th/28th April 2012), including accommodation = 460 € + IVA


To reserve your study visit, please write to the following email address and book your place by 31st March 2012.


Download the study visit presentation



Annalisa Regis
Fondazione Fitzcarraldo
tel. + 39 011 5683365


Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, via Aosta 8, 10152 Torino. Tel +39 011 5099317, fax +39 011 503361
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