Fondazione Fitzcarraldo



ArtLab 11. Dialogues about Cultural Management

Lifelong training
Lecce, 22nd - 24th September 2011



International debates on cultural co-production, cooperation and cross-border mobility are held at the 6th Edition of Fondazione Fitzcarraldo's annual meeting on cultural management.

Since 2006 ArtLab, the annual meeting organized by Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, has been a unique debate forum where artists, cultural managers, researchers and decision makers can share their experiences about the state of art of cultural management in Italy and in the international ground.

In 2011, ArtLab's overall programme foresees several international events focused on issues regarding cross-border cultural and artistic mobility, co-production and cooperation, funding, and community interventions and development through arts and culture, paying especially attention to the Mediterranean area.

For the third consecutive year ArtLab will be hosting the international workshop entitled "Encouraging cross-border cultural mobility", with the support of the PRACTICS project, coordinated by Fondazione Fitzcarraldo. In the previous two days it will be set up an informal Mobility Infopoint where customized information will be provided to ArtLab's participants on how to study or work abroad.

Two relevant publications on mobility and cooperation will be presented at ArtLab. One is the Directory on International Funding Opportunities, by Fundaciò Interarts, On-the-Move network and Wales Arts International, and the second one is the International Co-production Manual launched by IETM - International Network for Contemporary Arts – and KAMS – Korea Arts Management. Also on the subject of co-production ArtLab will be hosting the conference "Cultural co-production for Performing Arts" by Chris Torch, artistic director at Intercult.

Other presentations concerning international artistic programmes includes artists residences in Italy through ON-AIR project; the new format of the XV Edition of the Biennial of Young Artists from Europe and Mediterranean, organized by the Bjcem Association; and the Musagetes Café's concept and projects in Lecce, by the Canadian foundation Musagetes. Another relevant event will be the presentation of the Europe-wide campaign for the arts and culture We are more - act for culture in Europe.

The international programme of ArtLab will be closing on Saturday afternoon with the plenary session "North Africa and Middle East in turbulence - an insight from the artistic and cultural scene", an overview about the role of arts and culture in the political changes in this region.

ArtLab is free, but you must subscribe.  Fill in the online form!
A form for visually impaired is also avalaible here!

For any problem concerning subscription, you can get in touch on Skype: fondazionefitzcarraldo



Ivana Bosso
Fondazione Fitzcarraldo
tel. + 39 011 5683365
fax + 39 011 503361


Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, via Aosta 8, 10152 Torino. Tel +39 011 5099317, fax +39 011 503361
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