Fondazione Fitzcarraldo



International conference
Surfing and walking: museums and the 2.0 challenges

Lifelong training
Turin, 2nd October 2010
Oval - Lingotto Fiere



The international conference is organized by Fondazione Fitzcarraldo in cooperation with DNA Exhibition. techniques, cultural heritage from yesterday to tomorrow, with the contribution of Regione Piemonte. It is a satellite programme of Artlab10.

The International conference aims at fostering the exchange and the sharing of practices, experiences and evaluations on the new opportunities that new technologies and the Internet offer to museums in terms of access, interpretation, communication and listening.

It will focus especially on the ways museums are using some Web tools (such as institutional webs, social networks, virtual worlds, content gatherers, blogosheres) in order to develop their audiences, to supply with additional modalities of access to museum contents, to prepare and better the visit experience, to promote its intensification and to meet more easily the different learning needs. It will give the opportunity to present cases and experiences both of international and national level.

In the afternoon it will be held the meeting "Face to face with Shelley Bernstein: futurize your heritage" Chief of Technology at the Brooklyn Museum, NY, U.S.A. She will lead the advanced-discussion in a reserved session with 20 professionals (previously registered), exploring the issues raised at the morning conference.

Programme of the conference
Where and when (conference)
Registration to the confence
Advanced-discussion "Face to face with Shelley Bernstein: futurize your heritage"
Where and when (advanced-discussion)
Registration to the advanced-discussion
For further information

Annalisa Regis
Fondazione Fitzcarraldo
tel. + 39 011 5683365
fax + 39 011 503361


Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, via Aosta 8, 10152 Torino. Tel +39 011 5099317, fax +39 011 503361
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