Fondazione Fitzcarraldo



Advanced Training Course for Cultural Project Managers

Lifelong training
Turin - Lecce -Salzburg - Munich - Berlin, November 2009 - October 2010
14th edition with the support of Fondazione CRT and Piedmont Regional Council - Department of Culture


Since 1996 it is the leading Italian course in cultural management and is addressed to cultural operators and graduates from all over Italy. 40% of lectures is held by non Italian lecturers.

It is is addressed to the cultural operators whose aim is to make their organisations grow and to develop cultural project at their best, or to those who wish to become professionals in arts and culture and seek for a project to invest in...

From 14 years CRPC supports cultural operators to carry out their project by providing training sessions held by the best trainers of the sector and mentoring activities all the year long. 13 scholarships are going to be awarded to the best projects to be developed during the course.


Download the programme

General information

Annalisa Regis
Fondazione Fitzcarraldo
tel. + 39 011 5683365
fax + 39 011 503361

Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, via Aosta 8, 10152 Torino. Tel +39 011 5099317, fax +39 011 503361
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