Fondazione Fitzcarraldo



ArtLab 09. Dialogues About Cultural Management

Lifelong training
Torino, Italy, 18th - 19th September 2009


ArtLab 09 - Dialogues About Cultural Management is the annual meeting organized by Fondazione Fitzcarraldo: a public space where artists, cultural managers, researchers and decision makers can discuss and share their experiences and reflections about the state of art of cultural management and policies in Italy and in the international ground.

Conceived and organized by Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, with the support of Regione Piemonte, ArtLab is a unique opportunity in Italy to discuss and share visions on the most burning issues and topics concerning the managament of arts and culture.

Over 300 artists, intellectuals, cultural operators, administrators, researchers and trainers from all over Italy come to Torino for a two-day meeting where different approaches, disciplines, languages and cultures cross. Big and small museums, independent cultural centres, international festivals, foundations, public administrators from cities, towns, provinces, regions, ministries... enliven ArtLab events: a laboratory of ideas and an independent space reflecting on the role of culture, building a dialogue without reticence with representatives of politics, economics and civil society.

This year the meeting starts with a plenary session launching the themes: the cut of public resources and the role of privates, the media conveying and spreading culture, the exploitation of cultural policies, the renewal of theatres and cultural institutions. In the late afternoon, a session will be dedicated to the presentations of interesting books.
On Saturday in the parallel seminars, some interviews will be carried out with people working in sectors other than culture who tackled with cultural policies as well as with the artistic and cultural creation, as a fertile ground to explore and experiment.


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General information

Ivana Bosso
Fondazione Fitzcarraldo
tel. + 39 011 5683365
fax + 39 011 503361


Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, via Aosta 8, 10152 Torino. Tel +39 011 5099317, fax +39 011 503361
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