
Alessandra Gariboldi is the new president of Fondazione Fitzcarraldo

Alessandra Gariboldi is the new president of Fondazione Fitzcarraldo.
Catterina Seia has been reconfirmed as Vice President.

Our most heartfelt thanks to Ugo Bacchella, who led the Foundation since its beginning and contributed to its development. Ugo Bacchella, as board member, will now on be responsible for the Development and of the ArtLab project.

The wellbeing and the cultural, social and economic development of communities and territories, will be at the heart of our work with Alessandra Gariboldi: let this new adventure begin!

Research and Consulting

Be SpectACTive! Second edition

Fondazione Fitzcarraldo is partner of the second edition of Be SpectACTive!, a large-scale European cooperation project which operates in performing arts through artistic productions and participatory practices aimed at involving the citizens and spectators in creative and organizational processes.

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Research and Consulting

Dancing Museums - The Democracy of Beings

Fondazione Fitzcarraldo is partner of 'Dancing Museums - The Democracy of Beings', an action-research project designed to foster and sustain long-term collaborations between dance organisations, museums, universities and local communities in order to develop inspiring and long-lasting arts and cultural programmes that people in those communities want to get involved in.

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Some resources in English

Some resources produced or co-produced by Fondazione Fitzcarraldo:


Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, via Aosta 8, 10152 Torino. Tel +39 011 5099317, fax +39 011 503361
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