EIT Culture & Creativity. Creativity without borders, Innovation without limits
EIT Culture & Creativity
International Cooperation
Cultural Policy, Cultural Sector Innovation Support

EIT Culture & Creativity is the ninth Innovation Community of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), bringing together 50 partners from 20 countries.

EIT Culture & Creativity. Creativity without borders, Innovation without limits
EIT Culture & Creativity is the ninth Innovation Community of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), bringing together 50 partners from 20 countries.
EIT Culture & Creativity
International Cooperation
Cultural Policy, Cultural Sector Innovation Support
EIT Culture & Creativity aims to create and support the leading innovation ecosystem for cultural and creative sectors and industries (CCSIs).
It aims to strengthen and transform Europe’s cultural and creative sectors and industries (CCSIs) by increasing their innovation capacity and competitiveness. Fondazione Fitzcarraldo is one of the 50 lead partners that successfully joined the project and contributes to shaping the processes of the ninth Innovation Community promoted by EIT.

EIT Culture & Creativity Presentation
Information sheet
Learn about the calls
Our role
Fitzcarraldo contributed to the establishment and launch of the ecosystem, and is an active participant to the lively community of businesses, cultural and creative organisations, higher education institutions, research centres and public administrations which make up the consortium.
Fitzcarraldo contributes to drafting the Strategic Agenda for the EDUCATION objective, focusing on skills for existing and future professionals, and the SOCIETY objective, which aims to strengthen European values of social cohesion. Within the latter area, and in collaboration with Trans Europe Halles, we worked on mapping culture-led and community-based projects promoting social cohesion in Europe.
Additionally, Fitzcarraldo is part of the Co-Location Centre South. : CLCs are operational physical hubs that bring together people, regional and local clusters, and centres of excellence, to promote connections and collaboration among various actors. They serve as territorial reference points for individuals and teams from the entire knowledge triangle (Education, Research, and Innovation), working together to conceive projects and initiatives.
Photo by Izabela Garibaldi (from EIT Culture & Creativity General Assembly at the Jagiellonian University)
EIT Culture & Creativity
Founded by European Union
Reference activity

International Cooperation
Research and Development, Support, and Advocacy in Europe and Beyond
Other projects

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EIT Culture & Creativity. Creativity without borders, Innovation without limits
EIT Culture & Creativity is the ninth Innovation Community of the European Institute…

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